For the longest time, I felt like I was the only one who didn’t have an answer for “What do you want to do when you grow up?”
It was frustrating because everyone around me seemed to have a path or at least some vague idea they could run with.
I talked to people who worked different jobs and actively sought out mentors. I took career tests, hoping an email would tell me what I should be doing with my life.
I interned for a few places, did some freelance writing gigs, applied for an entry-level job at a gas station by my house (and never heard back), and got declined to the Disney College Program, all within a few months time.
My heart was beating faster at the thoughts of how clueless I was.
Throwing dozens of things to the wall and seeing nothing stick was disheartening.
I was about ready to just live life on autopilot. Wait until one day I’d magically wake up and knew what I wanted out of life.
Of course, that’s not how things work. You don’t suddenly find the answers to your most probing questions written on the ceiling when you open your eyes in the morning.
You have to look at people who inspire you and ask yourself how you can get to their level and beyond.
Who motivates you most? What do they do differently that gives them the most satisfaction in daily life?
I realized location independent entrepreneurs were the ones living the lifestyle that appealed to me most. Working wherever you want, whenever you want, felt like such a dream.
Location independence became my compass. It was now the goal I worked towards in everything I did.
Even though back then I had felt like I was lost, I look back today and think how different life would be if I had gotten that job at the gas station or if I did spend the year working at Disneyland.
I would’ve missed out on growing this website, my dream job, and my current business.
My relationship with my family wouldn’t be as honest as it is today, now that I can openly talk to them about my business, my goals, and my travels.
I wouldn’t have met many of my closest friends.
Life would’ve taken me on a completely different path.
I won’t lie to you. I felt like giving up.
I was tired of not knowing what I wanted to do and the few attempts I made failed.
Things changed. The few doors that were locked may have stayed so, but further down the hall were doors that I hadn’t seen until I kept walking.
Walk I did.
Some days are harder than others. You keep walking and trying new doors.
No one has it figured out. We’re all doing the best we can day by day.
The spontaneity, challenges, and unknowns are what keeps life interesting.
So please, don’t give up.
Thanks, I needed that. Writing is hard and solitary and often non reinforcing. It would be easier to be a Wally World greeter. OK, maybe not because my soul would be sucked out but it can be hard to keep going. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hah, yeah I think I’d much rather take the difficulty of staying in the chair to write than be a greeter. 🙂
Have you read Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art?
I think most people our age don’t know exactly what they want to do with their lives.
But that’s okay. The the key is to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be by taking lots of continuous small steps, and learning what you want as you go. The worst thing you can do is be paralyzed and afraid to try new things.
Oliver Emberton explains this concept incredibly well in what’s possibly the best career advice I’ve ever read:
Just read Oliver’s respond in that Quora thread. Simply awesome.
Key takeaway: take action right the hell NOW! 🙂
Thanks for the cool article link.
On a day that seem to have been a real drag.. sitting at my desk earlier and thinking why the hell am I still here? I appreciate the steps I’ve taken and hard work I’ve put in to not still be at that particular desk.
So I will keep taking the steps and knocking on doors.
Stefano a lovely comment and article.
Here’s to not giving up! Not today 🙂
I’ve been having a rough day myself. What can we do but power on? 🙂
Your articles get better and better! There’s nowhere for you but the top!
Thanks, Nick! Always glad to hear something like that!
I am in my mid forties and thinking of starting a second career.
Sometimes it’s tempting to take a job that doesn’t fit you or your dreams. I did that earlier this year and I knew from day one that it wasn’t going to work out. It didn’t and I’m glad because it would have left me feeling stifled and unhappy.
The hallway has many doors. I just keep checking each one. I wish I could wake up one morning and know for certain about which field I am most drawn to. It’s not working out that way and wasn’t meant to. I have to trust myself to know when I’ve found the right fit. Thanks for the encouragement!!
I’m glad you’re dipping your toes into different waters to see which is best for you. No one has it all figured out for sure but there are definitely varying degrees of what’s right for you vs. what’s not.
You’ll know when you’re in a better fit when you get in there. Keep opening doors!
Really liked this article ,your views which took you to open new doors away; far away from the place you lived during young life and you found it and still going far inspiring others . Thanks and keep it up !!
Thank you!
Thank you for this. The last few lines really resonate with me, I am trying to help a few friends figure out their lives, and this showed up in my inbox at the perfect time.
I always figured people ask children what they want to be when they grow up to get ideas for their OWN futures!
The day we have it all figured out is the day the rules change. At least I have figured THAT out. Thanks, Vincent. Carry on, and know that your words are important, and valued, and needed.
“I always figured people ask children what they want to be when they grow up to get ideas for their OWN futures!”
Never thought of that before!
Guess it’s time for me to start asking kids for new business ideas. 😛
Don’t give up Kuya Vincent… 🙂 keep on inspiring us! You are one of my stupendous role models 😀
Don’t Give Up.
Again, your weekly article came at a perfect time. I just finished bicycling across the USA with a friend. I wanted to give up many times, but I knew I would regret that decision.
Each day of the trip was a challenge. Some hills looked impossible to climb. But each time we got to the top and looked back, it was hard to believe what we had accomplished. That, looking back, is what will stick with me when I reflect on this trip… and as I reflect on my life.
Bob Reynolds
That is AWESOME, Bob! Any pictures you can share with us?
Positive thinking cannot save the world, but it helps..
I feel inspired!
Somtimes I want to give up, Vincent.
This time is also my hard time, I want to cry a lot.
But when I read this post, I have motivation. Thank you, Vincent. I’ll keep on trying.
Keep treadin’ on, Poly. There are thousands, if not millions, going through what you’re going through at this very moment. They’re with you.
You’re never alone.
Thank you for motivation! Thank you..
It’s been a tough few months for me. These articles always put a smile on my face.