How to step outside of your comfort zone and shut that fear inside of you down.
Personal Development
On Envy, Secret Identities, and a Blue Twisted Journal
eBook Release, My Overseas Adventure, and 30 Stories and Facts You Don’t Know About Me
6 Outrageous Lies You Believe About Achieving Success
There is a lot of nonsense thrown around when it comes to achieving success. It’s very difficult to distinguish from what’s true or false, especially if it’s something we’re raised from childhood to believe.
You really have to begin to question the validity of these claims. If you find yourself repeating a “fact” and you have no answer when asked why that is, you need to re-evaluate your views. You will also find that you make a lot of enemies if you open your mouth to speak about the issues, but hey, that just comes with the expanded knowledge.
First, let’s define success because obviously it is different for everyone. Although this isn’t my personal definition of success – mine being about passion – many dictionaries cite success as “the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.”
Many people do think of success as being about money and status, so I will address success as if that was the only definition, for the sake of this article.
Here are 6 outrageous lies you probably have been raised to believe about success (money, honor, etc.)