How do you know if you’re wasting your life? Many of us don’t realize that our life is going to waste and it takes new perspectives to realize we’re wasting our full potential. This is the new perspective to kick you into high gear.
Archives for May 2013
Stop Trying to Be Perfect! How to Live Life Dangerously
This article was written by Dan Erickson. Please comment at the end of this article to let him know your thoughts!
When I was younger I did crazy stuff. I drove too fast. I partied too much. I hitch-hiked around the Northwest and rode with strangers. You might think I was living dangerously, but nope. I was being stupid.
I didn’t learn how to live dangerously until a few years ago. It took me more than 20 years to learn what living dangerously really means.
Back when I lived the stupid life, I worried about what others thought about me. I worried about my image. I had to have the right clothes, drive the right car, (when I had one), and I had to use the right words.
I was being too careful. I cared too much about my own reputation among the cool crowd. Now I couldn’t care less. Although I’m done with the stupid stuff, I’m living more dangerously than ever and loving it.
Living dangerously has set me free from the expectations of others.
It’s great and you can learn to live dangerously too. Here’s how:
6 Outrageous Lies You Believe About Achieving Success
There is a lot of nonsense thrown around when it comes to achieving success. It’s very difficult to distinguish from what’s true or false, especially if it’s something we’re raised from childhood to believe.
You really have to begin to question the validity of these claims. If you find yourself repeating a “fact” and you have no answer when asked why that is, you need to re-evaluate your views. You will also find that you make a lot of enemies if you open your mouth to speak about the issues, but hey, that just comes with the expanded knowledge.
First, let’s define success because obviously it is different for everyone. Although this isn’t my personal definition of success – mine being about passion – many dictionaries cite success as “the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.”
Many people do think of success as being about money and status, so I will address success as if that was the only definition, for the sake of this article.
Here are 6 outrageous lies you probably have been raised to believe about success (money, honor, etc.)
Lonely or Insecure? 10 Secrets to Feeling Better About Yourself
Have you ever had a day where you just felt absolutely miserable, alone, and insecure? Of course you have. If you said “No,” you’re a dirty liar. I’m on to you.
Everyone has these days and often times, it leads to us feeling insecure about ourselves. Then we feel like there’s no one around who cares.
These negative thoughts just keep adding up more and more. Crap, now it’s like a beehive in your head and it’s only getting worse.
I used to be terribly insecure and certain days were worse than others. Hell, I still am. But who cares? I don’t let my insecurity control my actions for more than a split second.
I still remember one day during a party in my friend’s backyard, we were talking about teeth for some reason. Maybe one of us just got braces for the first time. Who knows?
Then I had made a comment about how I needed braces too. Naturally, my friend asked me to show my teeth and I wouldn’t show them.
“Oooh… Insecure!” he said.
That made me feel terrible because I realized he was right. I was insecure and when I was reminded of these feelings, it would drag me down for the rest of the day.
Well, not anymore. The good news is that I will now share my pick-me-up tricks with you, oh lucky reader. All with an easy payment of $29.95!
Actually, I like you so much I’ll give them to you all for free! Here are my secrets on how to feel better about yourself.
Warning: This isn’t the usual cliché list you find on most other sites. No “put on a fake smile until you feel better!” preaches.